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Gray Or Blue

Which color do you see?

05 . 18 . 16



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(Suit: Topman/ Shirt: Armani Exchange/ Shoes: Adidas) 

There is no better time to rock a suit then spring.  Spring is that amazing time of your that inspires me to take chances and mix things up. It inspires me to push all wintry navy and black to the back of my closet and reconsider that thing you said about how Wes Anderson color is done — which may be true in movies, but when it comes to clothes? So instead of pondering crazy color combinations today, I went for a suit that confuses the eye and beckons the question, gray or blue?

Aside from its confusing color, I think this outfit is cool because it looks like I was trying, but in actuality it’s pretty much a suit and t-shirt. In all seriousness, I’m big on finding that elusive sweet spot between sleekness and simplicity. Like so many of my days, I’m holed up by my computer all day so I like to be as snug as possible but also look presentable for any meetings scattered throughout my day.

So yea, this look is simple and conversation starting. What do you see? Grey or blue suiting?


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