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Do You: A New Way To Consider Holiday Style

Do you this holiday season and let your satire choices speak truth.

11 . 25 . 14



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(Shirt: Helmut Lang/ Trousers: Calvin Klein Collection/ Hat: Rocco/ Shoes: Calvin Klein Collection) 

It’s that time of year where, no matter your denomination, you will essentially find a cluster of cruel family jokes, awkward conversations and those random family friends you don’t remember and are thankful for that fact. It’s holidays, duh – and all the parties that come with them.

I’m not talking those of the office variety which always allow for just the right amount of mischief and cool seasonal (and sometimes sexy) satire. I’m talking the trip to Druncle Jeff’s house and that look that allows you to become invisible to your family.

You know what I’m talking about. That heavy knit that will make me look 15 pounds heavier so your grandmother doesn’t shout about how much weight you lost living in the bog city. Or, for those who put on those pesky 15 pounds, the exact opposite knit that conceals everything. Not that button-down shirt that makes your mom happy or the one your Aunt bought for you last Christmas that most likely, you don’t remember where you put it anyway. And forget those sweatpants that allow you to eat past the point of happiness.

So this year I’m trying something different – holiday style that’s for me. Not Grandma, Aunt Sam or Druncle Jeff. Yes I am going to bask in the prolific advice of my therapist and, dare I say, be myself. Myself being a guy who’s holiday style includes the likes really, really shinny baggy pants and hats. Just do you this season. That’s my advice for today.