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Duckie Brown’s Hazardous & Elegant Fall 2014 Collection

Butch and feminine threads intertwined at the Duckie Brown Fall 2014 show held at the Industrial Theater in NYC.

03 . 17 . 14



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Butch and feminine threads intertwined at the Duckie Brown Fall 2014 show held at the Industrial Theater in NYC.  With street-savvy tailored looks, designers Steven Cox and Daniel Silver designed a collection of elaborate tweeds and rich silks for fall 2014/15.  There was a quirky tone to the collection as strong hoodies were given a touch of feyness with rich fabrics and men clad in evening slippers. This hazardous elegant look had ASAP Rocky written all over it. The Beautiful and mildly jagged lineup was stunningly enhanced by the Vivaldi mixed with hardcore electronics track blaring.