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The Non-Boring Sweater


10 . 19 . 17



Processed with VSCO with c9 preset

I love this time of year. It’s so fresh and everyone agrees. After I get over my beef with summer ending.

I love autumn but putting away your tanks and taking out your cold weather sweaters sucks.

The great news is that autumn is the last moment of the year when people actually care about what they look like. By the time January rolls into town a look becomes just an outfit and frankly, winter is a time when you’re covered as F*&# and can wear whatever the hell you want. No one knows, no one cares.

Now, if you have been in search of your perfect fashion soulmate, the answer is the non-borning sweater. I’m talking a sweater that will get you excited about cold weather approaching and will render you wanting to leave your fall jacket in the closet. It’s a non-boring sweater that sums you up in one word or illustration. Personally, mine is a sweater that screams – Meow.

Processed with VSCO with c8 preset

Processed with VSCO with c9 preset

Processed with VSCO with c9 preset

(Knit: Gucci/ Pants: A.P.C./ Shoes: Vans) 


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